We all experience moments like what you just saw. Some professions like mine, a military career, tend to generate them more than others. Because of that we military members have the opportunity to teach what we’ve learned and to see these moments in civilian life, giving us the responsibility to help our fellow citizens see and understand them too. We are not alone in this, in fact, our country was created by many citizens who could do this. Here’s one: These are the times that try men's souls: the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country..." Thomas Paine was the American that generated the message and the organizing principles that led to the American Revolution for average citizens.
The Rob Maness Show
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.Listen on
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