ALX events has partnered with the Social Media Freedom Foundation to present the 2023 Internet Equality Summit charity event May 11th & 12th in Orange County, California. This non-partisan event will feature a keynote debate between talk show host and New York Times bestselling author, Dennis Prager, and Grant Stern, Executive Director of Occupy Democrats and author. The Summit will explore issues involved with concurrently protecting citizen's rights, ensuring corporate transparency and responsibility, and preserving national security. This timely event offers a symposium for open and productive discussions investigating solutions that support our democratic rights and promote a free and open internet for everyone. In the spotlight will be Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Jason Fyk, the founder of the Social Media Freedom Foundation, has been fighting to reconcile the correct application of Section 230 since 2018. On Tuesday February 7th 2023, Fyk filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the United States Supreme Court that tracks the same legal path as Senator Ted Cruz's, Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, and the Department of Justice 's Amicus in the Gonzalez v Google case whereby Section 230(c)(1) does not protect any conduct at all. Jason is my guest this week to talk about this exciting event and the court case.
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