Lawfare is an aggressive use of the justice system to suppress information, intimidate citizens, and interfere with legitimate public processes such as an election. The United States government is practicing it on steroids as we see the Department of Justice continuously go after Donald Trump in the middle of his presidential campaign, It is so blatant that the Special Prosecutor is openly trying to align trial dates with major primary dates. Not surprising, many of these so-called attorneys don’t even know the constitution they say they are defending. Doj isn’t working alone though, the Department of Homeland Security is actually practicing a form of lawfare against every American citizen by its abuse of immigration laws on the books to bring in millions of illegal aliens, destroying America’s shared cultural values and burdening government assistance systems while not getting enough benefits to Americans in a timely manner, such as homeless veterans. We’re excited to have as our guest former US DOJ Double Assistant Attorney General and Center For Renewing America Senior Fellow Jeff Clark.
The American Regime’s Lawfare Against Political Opponents, Dissidents, And Citizens | The Rob Maness Show EP 286
Dec 22, 2023
The Rob Maness Show
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.Listen on
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