The Unabomber (Ted Kaczinsky, aka Unlce Ted, aka King) has left the planet he claimed was being enclosed by a mechanical prison by ever increasingly intelligent machines. He predicted that one day, people would insist on relying on machines to make our decisions because they would produce better results than human decision-making. We stand at the very threshold of that final step through the prison cell door. While Kaczinsky took the radical step of becoming a domestic terrorist to try stopping the evolution and was rightly hunted down and punished for his crimes even though the facts show he was a victim of a CIA MK/ULTRA psychological stress experiment at Harvard, was he wrong about his concerns?
This man became an icon as he rotted in prison because many humans actually read his 35,000 word manifesto laying out his concerns and have seen over time that he was eerily correct in many ways. War Room’s Transhumanist editor Joe Allen is joins us today to discuss the article he wrote about the man and more.
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