Veterans have sacrificed for our country more than any other group of people. In fact, the United States would never have existed without the veterans who volunteered to fight for her freedom against the British empire. Unfortunately, even though we have spent billions on the Department of Veterans Affairs and passed hundreds of laws attempting to enact reforms that make a veterans transition from active duty and filing a disability claim easier, todays veterans continue to be casualties of broken systems after their service due to ineffective leadership and oversight. The latest evidence comes to us out of the flawed and inappropriate DOD Covid Vaccine Mandate process, and the system’s failures around it for those who stood up and refused the vaccine for valid reasons.
The Rob Maness Show
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.Listen on
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