We live in a time where average patriotic Americans are being labeled "domestic terrorists". The punishment for "wrongthink" varies from restriction of free speech on social media, businesses and people being censored or completely canceled, to being a political prisoner. Who is behind all of this madness? As they label anyone who dares to question the government's narrative a "domestic terrorist" the censorship police are primed to do much more to you than just not let you post your "wrongthink" on Facebook. The 2024 elections are definitely a target of the censorship cabal and yes, they’re even using artificial intelligence and we should expect massive increases in attempts to keep the American people from getting true information about that election. My guest today, Anrew Riddaugh, says "AI is already being used by the Censorship Industrial Complex to suppress search results, your emails, the news you see, your social media feeds, business directed to you, donations, and more. It's so easy for them to impact elections. A woke google employee could easily set the algorithm to auto spam conservative emails, or shut down your company email, altogether. This is happening and going to happen more often this election year." Andrew Riddaugh is CEO of Liberation Technology Services, a company at the forefront of the private cloud hosting industry, groundbreaking cybersecurity solutions and the pioneer of liquid-cooled edge data centers. Prior to building Liberation Tek, Riddaugh was with the Executive Office of the President of the United States in the Trump Administration.
Winning Elections Against AI And the Free Speech Police - Truth Thursday | The Rob Maness Show EP 338
Apr 18, 2024
The Rob Maness Show
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.Listen on
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