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The lack of introspection by the military establishment is very disappointing. The reason for the drop in public trust is clear to anyone who’s paying attention.

-20 years of senior military leaders telling the public we were winning in Afghanistan...right up to the time we had to evacuate Kabul.

-Senior leaders stating the DOD’s biggest enemy is climate change. Why pay for the DOD to fight climate change when we have a plethora of other bureaucracies waging war against climate?

-Senior leaders saying the DOD needs to fight “white nationalism”. I served from 1980-2011 and the whole time I had to regularly attend annual racial sensitivity training. The military is the least racist organization in the country yet our military felt the need to join the Democrat’s political agenda.

-Less than 6 months after our humiliating defeat in Afghanistan (the bipartisan righteous war) the whole military/industrial/media complex turned to Ukraine as our sacred duty to defend and finance.

Until our senior leaders renew their focus on defense and political neutrality the public’s confidence will continue to deteriorate.

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