Tragically, I'm not surprised by these Stalinist tactics,: Contempt for the Bill of Rights is, after all, the hallmark of the current Regime! Since I, for one, can't do ANYthing about it, I urge your guest -- even if he's not Christian (yet) ask LIBERTY COUNSEL -- specifically, to LC Founder-Director Mat Staver -- to go to bat for him, his undoubtedly traumatized wife and children. I'd be stunned, if Mat didn't go to court for him and them.....for recovery of ALL his robbed property plus PUNITIVE-damages compensation for the mind-bogglingly ANTI-American FELONIES perpetrated in this HOME INVASION.
We the People have been far too nice to our DC counterparts who possess none of the attributes that they stood upon in order to get elected. The ABC agencies and the AFT for certain have been given a green light to act relevant. These such as FBI, IRS, AFT, DHS, BLM, and all others have far outlive d their legitimacy. These agencies are used as a method of accomplishing that which cannot be done through the legislative process. The term Regulatory agency does not translate into Legislative agency nor do they have such powers. The right to no knock force an entry? Not on this watch!! An Unconstitutional president with a Marxist sidekick I was certain would act desperately to enact as much Un American transitory change as possible before they are incarcerated. Thankfully, these agencies can and must be defunded and disbanded. Furthermore, the Constitution does not make accommodation, has no structure to accept self governing out of control agencies to manhandle American citizens. It has been only lately that two American Veterans were shot and murdered in their own homes. But this is a pattern and not a first time. So, the ATF wants to play tough guy over non-violations? The only solution is complete disbanding. What was the last thing ATF offered America that was positive? Fast and Furious? Defund disband ATF.. Shall Not Be Infringed in early American English suggested: "Dont even think it!"" I learned this from a Historian. Keep America Great and Take America Back!! MAGA
New AFT Director is imposing his illegal rules nation-wide thru mis-interpretation and indoctrination of local AFT agencies and their field agents. Pawn Shops have been intimidated into not selling rifles to any out-of-state residents..but do not post these store policies. When I called the closest AFT Office to ask them to explain to the sales clerk that Federal Law does not apply to the little .22 rifle I was interested in. AFT told me it was illegal to sell to out of state residents. I asked if it was a state law, and was told it was a federal law. The new 2022 law says ‘,or for any other reason’ when defining an illegal straw purchase. No felons in my family or friends, and I don’t intend to do violence with a gun, yet, because of an internal ‘store policy’, I ‘attempted to make a straw-purchase’ because I mentioned target practicing with my 12 year old grandson. No wonder licensed gun dealers are afraid to continue doing business. No License has been issued since Biden took office, according to AFT agents who are retiring in droves. We’ve got to right this ship soon.
Tragically, I'm not surprised by these Stalinist tactics,: Contempt for the Bill of Rights is, after all, the hallmark of the current Regime! Since I, for one, can't do ANYthing about it, I urge your guest -- even if he's not Christian (yet) ask LIBERTY COUNSEL -- specifically, to LC Founder-Director Mat Staver -- to go to bat for him, his undoubtedly traumatized wife and children. I'd be stunned, if Mat didn't go to court for him and them.....for recovery of ALL his robbed property plus PUNITIVE-damages compensation for the mind-bogglingly ANTI-American FELONIES perpetrated in this HOME INVASION.
We the People have been far too nice to our DC counterparts who possess none of the attributes that they stood upon in order to get elected. The ABC agencies and the AFT for certain have been given a green light to act relevant. These such as FBI, IRS, AFT, DHS, BLM, and all others have far outlive d their legitimacy. These agencies are used as a method of accomplishing that which cannot be done through the legislative process. The term Regulatory agency does not translate into Legislative agency nor do they have such powers. The right to no knock force an entry? Not on this watch!! An Unconstitutional president with a Marxist sidekick I was certain would act desperately to enact as much Un American transitory change as possible before they are incarcerated. Thankfully, these agencies can and must be defunded and disbanded. Furthermore, the Constitution does not make accommodation, has no structure to accept self governing out of control agencies to manhandle American citizens. It has been only lately that two American Veterans were shot and murdered in their own homes. But this is a pattern and not a first time. So, the ATF wants to play tough guy over non-violations? The only solution is complete disbanding. What was the last thing ATF offered America that was positive? Fast and Furious? Defund disband ATF.. Shall Not Be Infringed in early American English suggested: "Dont even think it!"" I learned this from a Historian. Keep America Great and Take America Back!! MAGA
New AFT Director is imposing his illegal rules nation-wide thru mis-interpretation and indoctrination of local AFT agencies and their field agents. Pawn Shops have been intimidated into not selling rifles to any out-of-state residents..but do not post these store policies. When I called the closest AFT Office to ask them to explain to the sales clerk that Federal Law does not apply to the little .22 rifle I was interested in. AFT told me it was illegal to sell to out of state residents. I asked if it was a state law, and was told it was a federal law. The new 2022 law says ‘,or for any other reason’ when defining an illegal straw purchase. No felons in my family or friends, and I don’t intend to do violence with a gun, yet, because of an internal ‘store policy’, I ‘attempted to make a straw-purchase’ because I mentioned target practicing with my 12 year old grandson. No wonder licensed gun dealers are afraid to continue doing business. No License has been issued since Biden took office, according to AFT agents who are retiring in droves. We’ve got to right this ship soon.