We woke up to the loud beat of war drums coming from the Middle East, involving heavy activity from the Russian Air Force conducting many flights into Tehran and what’s proven to be a really bad day for the stock market but can we still have hope for peace in Ukraine? The indicators are yes. President Trump, now the official GOP nominee and still leading in the polls despite the replacement of the addled Joe Biden with his Vice President Kamala Harris without a primary vote, has long said he could end the Ukraine-Russia war in a day once he is elected. It turns out his most recent phone call to the Ukrainian President just weeks ago, has stirred up buzz and activity that show Russia and Ukraine may be serious about peace again. Much has changed in the last few months, with Hungary ascending to the European Union presidency, having advocated a peace plan for some time, but the Ukrainian armed forces have received their first F-16 aircraft, all influencing what is possible in both directions. My guest today is the author of the recent article Psssst…The Specter Of President Donald Trump Has Peace Breaking Out In Ukraine, L Todd Wood. As a Special Operations pilot, Todd flew missions for Seal Team 6 and Delta Force. As CEO of CD Media, he’s on a new mission now — to protect the American way of life and rescue it from the destructive grip of the socialist ideology that threatens its sovereignty and everything that makes this country great.
Indicators: Peace in Ukraine Is Still Possible Even As World Is On the Brink of Total War - More War Monday | The Rob Maness Show EP 387
Aug 05, 2024

The Rob Maness Show
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.
Audio of LifezetteTV’s The Rob Maness Show. Tired of the lying media, the lying politicians, and the lying academics? Join retired U.S. Air Force Col. Rob Maness to fight the fake news with experience-based truth.Listen on
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