This is the story of former Montgomery Alabama Police Officer Aaron Cody Smith. Due to the political air across our nation at the time of the shooting, the city of Montgomery was afraid of riots and turmoil, so they decided to railroad this officer who was one of the best at his job and who followed his use of force training to a T. The Montgomery County District Attorney was up for re-election and saw prosecuting this officer as an opportunity to gain votes, with no care whatsoever to the life he was ruining in the process.
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Political Trials Of Police Officers Keep…
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This is the story of former Montgomery Alabama Police Officer Aaron Cody Smith. Due to the political air across our nation at the time of the shooting, the city of Montgomery was afraid of riots and turmoil, so they decided to railroad this officer who was one of the best at his job and who followed his use of force training to a T. The Montgomery County District Attorney was up for re-election and saw prosecuting this officer as an opportunity to gain votes, with no care whatsoever to the life he was ruining in the process.